Browse Items (36 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Historical Homes"

Hoffart's Shoe Repair, formerly the residence of Fred Saller.

Standing in their yard, (left to right) Helen and Ann Rohe.

Ernest Rinnie's family home, purchased from Willard Wood in 1876.

The home of the Hewes Family, pictured left to right, Reverend Joseph Cadwell, Daniel E. Hewes, Mrs. Daniel Hewes and Miss Eva L. Hewes.

The tree in front of the Quackenbush family home was a well-known landmark. Featured here in this postcard.

The Buchanan family home and attached Buchanan Meat Market.

The Doescher Farm on Exchange Street west of Klemme.

The historic home of Don and Winifern Easterday built in 1901. The home was passed down from her grandparents, William Wood and his wife. In 1997 it would become the law office of Phyllis Monk.

The Horn Family Home, own by Charles Horn, the first mayor of Crete. The house was donated in 1978 by Joe Hager to be used to house the Crete Public Library.

The home, at 533 Exchange Street, was build by Ernest Rinne in 1876 using bricks from his brickyard.

The Murhead farm house on Richton road was built by Francis and Elizabeth Spence, immigrants from Scotland. The land had originally been owned by Moses and Hannah Cook. The house was used in the underground railroad in the 1840's and 1950's.

The residence of Willard and Dynatha Wood, the founders of Crete, at the southwest corner of Exchange and Park streets. The home was built in the mid 1800's.

Photograph of the Samuel Rose House, located at the southwest corner of Wood and North streets.

William Hinze's homestead.

Home & office of Dr. Cas. Blim, on the northeast corner of North & Benton Streets.
L to R: Dr. Chas Blim, Md Jenory Caldwell (Hewes) Spencer Blim (on arm) Chas Blim Jr (standing) Minnie Schweer Rev. Jospeh Caldwell (seated) Franc (Hewes) Blim Mrs.…

Several people in front of a unknown home.
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